
RIP Emma

In May my friend Emma Meyer died. Saturday was her memorial service. Some friends bought beautiful flowers and people spoke about their memories of her. She was incredibly smart. One friend played a few beautiful songs on ukulele in her honor. Miss you always Emma. One of the songs was Wildflowers by Tom Petty. Pretty much sums it up.


July 24

Got phished today. Above is a breakup letter from my primary care physician. It’s not the first. I am chasing a couch I put a deposit on but keeps moving further and further away on back order. Just your average postmodern hero.



Just got back from my summer vacation..this time I decided to checkout Portland, Oregon. Hometown of my favoeite band, The Dandy Warhols, and the only major city I haven’t seen on the West Coast, my mission was to eat, explore, and look out for Dandies sightings. Air Bnb this time, I got a really great studio right in downtown Portland. So, a few things, it’s really clean there. The natural resources, most of which I ate, are amazing. I’m talking salmon salmon and berries that you wouldn’t believe. i tried all the inventive flavors of Salt & Straw ice cream, this is a must. I visited a wine bar that occupies part of The Dandy Warhol’s recording studio, clubhouse, eventspace extraordinaire, and even got to peak inside the main space (ack!). Despite lurking outside of the bar looking for the proprietor, lead singer Courtney Taylor, i did not have a Dandy sighting–ah well. I did sight some urban greenery, in the amazing and expansive Washington Park, as well as some amazing amazing houses (not a real estate junkie, they were just THAT nice). I did go to Multnomah Falls, just outside the city and along the gorge that the Columbia River flows through. I was sad to leave, but got some great photos. Check it out!



Took my usual trip to London and Hong Kong this May–but this time I went to Beijing afterwards. What a city. From beautiful buildings to great food, great tea, and, my mission for going, a special hike on the Grreat Wall, Beijing blew my mind and far surpassed my expectations. I stayed in commerical business district, and was struck by the contemporary architecture, the vastness of the populations and infrastructure, and the sophistication of the shopping malls. Check out the pics.


Salmon Cakes

Not to worry gluten free folk, you needn’t miss out on fried foods. These salmon cakes are cheap and fast–a can of salmon (the big one) with bones and skin removed, one egg, i’d say a third of a cup of corn flour, a quarter teaspoon black pepper, same amount of dill, splash of white vinegar. Mix ingredients and pour a small amount ( a fifth of the mixture) onto a hot pan (nonstick no oil). press into cake shape with a spoon and turn after 1-2 minutes. Cook one minute or 90 seconds on other side and serve! Note: the salmon stinks and leaves oils behind, you must clean plates, flatware, pan, and utensils with vinegar and baking soda to get all the oils off or they’ll stink forever.


Shanghai ’18

I went to China again last week–I loved it! I’ve been a New Yorker for 13 years and I just now have become a Chinese food lover. Seriously though, I kind of want to learn Chinese it’s so luxurious there–it doesn’t hurt that I got to stay in a nice hotel 😉 From fashion to food to fancy buildings, I endorse Shanghai as a top vacation adventureland. Check out the pics.



I went to Chicago to visit my mom this Thanksgiving. We had warm weather, which is a miracle on many levels, but was really lucky for me because I rented a car. The wreath unveiling ceremony outside the Art Institute fulfilled my Christmas quota in 20 minutes–we had gospel music, Hamilton cast members, and free hot chocolate, it was perfect. With some live music and great food mixed in, it was a perfect holiday spent with a vivacious, funloving mom! Check it out.


Curried Split Peas

So over Christmas I burned this recipe and it was the pits. But over New Year’s I got it right and I can’t stop making it. The best part–it’s cheap and healthy (and tasty!). Here are the broad strokes:
-Half a pound dried split peas. It’s half the bag. Do the quick soak method, and don’t forget to sort and rinse (Quick soak is to boil for 2 minutes in 3-4 cups water and then remove from heat and then let stand for an hour)
-Sautee half a medium white onion chopped and two minced garlic cloves with 4 shakes of salt in 2ish tablespoons olive oil until translucent
-Pour 2 cups water into the sautee pan to pick up some of the flavored oil
-Boil soaked beans in a pot with the onions, garlic and water
-Add 5 shakes of salt, about 3 shakes (this is more than the salt, as my curry powder has big holes in the container) curry powder, 4 shakes cumin, 4 shakes black pepper, 4 shakes red chili pepper, and a “little” (I have no idea) paprika), plus a 1 or 2 more tablespoons olive oil.
-Boil on medium heat for 35 minutes, stirring the bottom beans up top every 5 minutes, and adding more water when the beans look parched (the earlier the better, these can burn fast!)
-Eat as soup or serve over white rice (2 servings)


Los Angeles

After Seattle I visited my Dad in LA. Love this city, and my Dad just cut his hair! We ate, I got a tour of the Valley, including driving by Encino, the location of the legendary film Encino Man, starring Pauley Shore and Brendan Fraser. We  also ate some great food and watched the beginning of Stranger Things season two. My brother and his mom came over for that and it was great!  Check out the photos.



I went to Seattle this October to present at a conference. It was my first time doing that and it was very exciting. We did a good job and also took in the sights. I went full basic at the old and tricked out Starbucks. Weee. Check it out.