
Blizzard Nemo

New York City has been preparing for Nemo, a blizzard that hit us with just under a foot of snow in the city on Friday. Work (and school) was cancelled today, so I decided to go sledding at 108th St. in Riverside Park. Since it’s virtually impossible to find a sled in NYC once snow has actually started falling, I grabbed the lid of one my Sterilite containers and headed out the door to do my best. I followed a Dad and his son into the park at 103rd Street. It was packed! I later found on Parks and Recreation was providing sleds and free hot chocolate, though I didn’t see that at the time. When the folks I had followed decided to skip the flatter hill at 103 for a steeper access point at 108 I followed. There must  have been 75 kids there too! I got two good runs in and thanked my lucky stars I live on the Upper West Side. So much fun to be had just a few minutes from my humble abode.

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