
Olive Oil Ice Cream

I made my own version of Salt & Straw’s Arbequina Olive Oil Ice cream:

2 egg yolks

About 1.5 cups milk

3 shakes salt

2 spoonfuls sugar

(some) Olive Oil (1 second dash direct from bottle to pot)

Heat milk, oil, and salt in pot until simmering but not boiling, reduce heat as much as possible. In a separate bowl whisk eggs and sugar together. Add half the milk mixture, one spoonful at a time to the egg mixture, while whisking. Dump milk and egg mixture into heated pot with remaining milk and heat on lowest setting for 20 minutes, stirring constantly. In final 2 minutes, raise heat slightly until mixture thickens but the eggs don’t scramble. Remove from heat and continue stirring until warm but not hot. Sieve into a bowl and let cool to room temperature. Cover with Saran wrap (let the plastic touch the surface of the liquid) and place in freezer, whisking every 30 minutes for 2 hours or so. Eat and enjoy (as I am below)!

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